Feathr User Defined Functions (UDFs)

Feathr supports a wide range of user defined functions (UDF) to allow flexible ways of dealing with your data. Feathr supports two use cases:

  1. UDF at input sources (also known as preprocessing functions)
  2. UDF at individual features (using the transform parameters)

UDF at input sources (also known as preprocessing functions)

Below is an example:

def add_new_dropoff_and_fare_amount_column(df: DataFrame):
    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, DataFrame
    from pyspark.sql.functions import col
    df = df.withColumn("f_day_of_week", dayofweek("lpep_dropoff_datetime"))
    df = df.withColumn("fare_amount_cents", df.fare_amount.cast('double') * 100)
    return df

batch_source = HdfsSource(name="nycTaxiBatchSource",
                        timestamp_format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

As you can see, there are two parts:

  1. A self-contained UDF function
  2. Calling that function in preprocessing parameter.

What happens behind the scenes and what are the limitations?

What happens behind the scenes is that Feathr will copy the function (add_new_dropoff_and_fare_amount_column in this case) and execute it in the corresponding Spark cluster.

The execution order will be:

  1. Read from the source
  2. Execute the UDF and produce new tables
  3. Use the new tables to define features

There are several limitations:

  1. The functions should be “self-contained”. I.e. If you use any python module or Spark function, you should import the python module in the UDF function body. Although Feathr already imports all the Spark SQL built-in functions in pyspark.sql.functions namespace, it is always a best practice to import the modules in the UDF body. They might be other python modules such as time, regex, etc., or Spark SQL functions, such as the from pyspark.sql.functions import dayofweek line in the example below.
  2. The function should accept only one Spark Dataframe as input and return one Spark Dataframe as the result. Multiple DataFrames are not supported. There are no limitations on names, and by convention, it is usually called df, but you can use any name you want.
  3. The “contract” between users and Feathr here is that as long as you give the UDF a dataframe as an input and the output is a dataframe, Feathr will accept and run this UDF function.
  4. When defining features, you should use the output of the UDF as the new column name (if you have changed the column names). For example, if you have the following code, then you won’t be able to use fare_amount_cents in your feature definition since it is not in the output dataframe of this UDF. It is dropped from the result dataframe. However, you will be able to use f_day_of_week in your feature definition, since it is a column that is created in the result dataframe..
def add_new_dropoff_and_fare_amount_column(df: DataFrame):
    from pyspark.sql.functions import dayofweek
    df = df.withColumn("f_day_of_week", dayofweek("lpep_dropoff_datetime"))
    df = df.drop("fare_amount_cents")
    return df
  1. Currently, “chained” functions are not supported. I.e. the example below is not supported:
def multiply_100(input_val):
  return input_val * 100

def add_new_dropoff_and_fare_amount_column(df: DataFrame):
    from pyspark.sql.functions import dayofweek
    df = df.withColumn("f_day_of_week", dayofweek("lpep_dropoff_datetime"))
    df = df.withColumn("fare_amount_cents",  multiply_100("fare_amount"))
    return df

Per the first limitation (i.e. the functions should be self-contained), you should consider the following way:

def add_new_dropoff_and_fare_amount_column(df: DataFrame):
    from pyspark.sql.functions import dayofweek
    df = df.withColumn("f_day_of_week", dayofweek("lpep_dropoff_datetime"))

    def multiply_100(input_val):
      return input_val * 100

    df = df.withColumn("fare_amount_cents",  multiply_100("fare_amount"))
    return df

Best Practices

One best practice is if you have multiple transformations that you want to define for one input source, you can define multiple UDFs. For example, for the same input source, you can define different input UDFs and define completely different features over those two UDFs. Refer to Illustration on How Feathr UDF works for an illustration.

UDF with PySpark Support

Feathr supports using regular pyspark:

def add_new_dropoff_and_fare_amount_column(df: DataFrame):
    from pyspark.sql.functions import dayofweek
    df = df.withColumn("f_day_of_week", dayofweek("lpep_dropoff_datetime"))
    df = df.withColumn("fare_amount_cents", df.fare_amount.cast('double') * 100)
    return df

UDF with Spark SQL Support

Feathr also supports using a SQL dialect to deal with your data. In the template below, note that:

  1. You should declare a global “spark” session so that it can be called later
  2. You should call createOrReplaceTempView so that you can refer to this view in your SQL code
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, DataFrame
def feathr_udf_filter_location_id(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
  # if using Spark SQL, need to declare this default spark session, and create a temp view so that you can run Spark SQL on it.
  global spark
  sqlDF = spark.sql(
  FROM feathr_temp_table_feathr_udf_day_calc
  WHERE DOLocationID!= 100
  return sqlDF

UDF with Pandas Example

Feathr also supports using pandas to deal with the data. Behind the scene it’s using pandas-on-spark so some limitations apply here. Please refer to Pandas-on-Spark’s Best Practice for more details.

In the template below, note that:

  1. This is only available for Spark 3.2 and later, so make sure you submit to a spark cluster that has Spark 3.2 and later.
  2. You need to call something like psdf = df.to_pandas_on_spark() to convert a Spark dataframe to “pandas dataframe”, and call psdf.to_spark() to convert the “pandas dataframe” to Spark dataframe.
def feathr_udf_pandas_spark(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
  # using pandas on spark APIs. Fore more details, refer to the doc here: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/user_guide/pandas_on_spark/index.html
  # Note that this API is only available for Spark 3.2 and later, so make sure you submit to a spark cluster that has Spark 3.2 and later.
  psdf = df.to_pandas_on_spark()
  psdf['fare_amount_cents'] = psdf['fare_amount']*100
  # need to make sure converting the pandas-on-spark dataframe to Spark Dataframe.
  return psdf.to_spark()

batch_source = HdfsSource(name="nycTaxiBatchSource",
                        timestamp_format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

When do I use UDFs?

Those UDFs are totally optional to use. For example, if you have an existing feature transformation pipeline, you don’t have to use Feathr’s preprocessing functions to rewrite your code. Instead, you can simply use your already transformed feature in Feathr, for point in time joins, or for feature registry and exploration.

But if you don’t have an existing pipeline, Feathr’s UDF does provide a good way for you to manage your feature engineering system from end to end. This decision is beyond the scope of this document.

UDF at individual features (using the transform parameters)

Other than the UDF in the input level, Feathr also allows some level of customizations in the individual feature level. This is very useful if users want to do some last mile transformation, or for derived features where users might want to compose a new feature based on a few existing features with some calculation.

For those row-level transformations, Spark SQL built-in functions are supported. For example you can call dayofmonth, xpath_double, or percent_rank etc. in the Spark SQL built-in functions in the transformation parameter for Feathr.

If you want to customize the capability here, i.e. not using the Spark built-in functions but want to use some customized functions, please refer to Developing Customized Feathr Spark UDF document.

Some examples are shown below. Note that usually they are row level transformations, and if you want to do some aggregations across rows, please check out Window aggregation features.

derived_feature = DerivedFeature(name="f_trip_time_distance",
                                 input_features=[f_trip_distance, f_trip_time_duration],
                                 transform="f_trip_distance * cos(f_trip_time_duration)")

 feature = Feature(name="f_day_of_week",

Illustration on How Feathr UDF works

Feathr UDF